Monday, October 31, 2011

Chapter 10 - Product Concept

       Tylenol is very much a consumer product. It is affordable enough so that every one can consume its products. You can purchase single dosage Tylenol products at pretty much any corner store in the country and maybe the world. Tylenol products offer information on the box itself about the benefits of using the product and what it cures. Tylenol has over 30 over the counter products , from children's - arthritis medicine. You can always tell Tylenol by its red coloring on the box. This is Tylenol's flagship product. It does range from rapid release, gel tabs, extra strength and just regular Tylenol. On the boxes you can read things like "#1 doctor recommend", Pain reliever & Fever reducer, contains Acetaminophen. Tylenol is such a recognized brand that almost everyone knows them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice and most helpful blogs.I was searching such contents since long time . Today's i find it finally.I like so much your cool this site.Thanks for sharing about Tylenol
